Musical Meditations in Time of Lent 2019

Every Wednesday | 6 p. m. | Church of St. Thekla
1040 Wien, Wiedner Hauptstraße 82
Free entry!

»Come to me,
all you who are weary and burdened,
and I will give you rest.«
(Mt 11, 28)

Artistic direction: Silva Manfrè and Susanne Antonicek

13. 3. 2019
Gunda Hagmüller violin
Florian Wieninger violone
Silva Manfrè organ
Pater Pius Platz meditation

Music by Giovanni Paolo Cima (ca. 1570 – nach 1622), Girolamo Frescobaldi (1583 – 1643) and Biagio Marini (1594 – 1663)    

20. 3. 2019
Silva Manfrè organ
Pater Pius Platz meditation

Music by Louis Vierne (1870 – 1937) and Jean Alain (1911 – 1940)

27. 3. 2019
Laura Pallas flute
Veronica Seitlinger harp
Pater Pius Platz meditation

Music by Eric Satie (1866 – 1925), Paul Angerer (1927 – 2017) and Heinrich Backhofen (1768 – 1830)

3. 4. 2019
Kirchenchor St. Florian
Martin Wadsack
musical direction
Silva Manfrè organ
Pater Pius Platz meditation

Werke von Thomas Tallis (um 1505 – 1585), Richard Farrant (um 1525 –1580) and G. P. da Palestrina (1526 – 1594)

10. 4. 2019
Members of Ensemble 15.21
Silva Manfrè organ
Pater Pius Platz meditation

Werke von Henry Purcell (um 1659 ­– 1695)

How to get here

Foto © Albert Seitlinger