Musical Meditations in the time of Lent 2023

Every Wednesday | 6 p. m. | Church of St. Thekla
1040 Wien, Wiedner Hauptstraße 82
Free entry!

»Come to me,
all you who are weary and burdened,
and I will give you rest.«
(Mt 11, 28)

Artistic direction: Silva Manfrè and Susanne Antonicek

1. 3. 2022
Silva Manfrè
Pater Pius Platz meditation

Music by Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck, Giovanni Battista Pescetti and
Georg Friedrich Händel

8. 3. 2023
Pia Ernstbrunner Alt
Silva Manfrè organ
Pater Pius Platz Meditation

Music by Johann Jakob Froberger and Paul Koutnik

15. 3. 2023
ensemble freymut
Ching-Yao Wang, transverse flute
Elisabeth Vestemian, transverse flute
Maria Danneberg, viola da gamba
Pater Pius Platz meditation

Music by Georg Philipp Telemann, Johann Christian Bach and Marin Marais

22. 3. 2023
Johannes Feigl bass
Silva Manfrè organ
Pater Pius Platz meditation

Music by Giacomo Carissimi and Antonìn Dvořák   

29. 3. 2023
Jil Torkler trombone
Silva Manfrè organ
Pater Pius Platz meditation

Music by Willem de Fesch, Johann Georg Albrechtsberger and Max Peters 

How to come there

Foto © Albert Seitlinger